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Plumbline Gives Scholarships: June 2023

June 13, 2023

We have announced our 2023 Plumbline Gives Scholarship Recipients and are excited to share part of their stories.

Alex M.

Alex has volunteered for over 200 hours at Bethany Busy Bee over the last few years. He has been such an encouragement to the teachers and the students, as a quiet but alert and intelligent assistant. In the past few years he has led small groups of children in science experiments and other special activities. We really appreciate Alex and enjoy working with him. He is respectful and responsible for accomplishing the work he is assigned.

Alex is also a volunteer in several other community organizations serving children. He has recorded over 600 hours of service.

-Joyce B., Supervisor

Cynthia M.

Equally important, Cynthia is one of the nicest, most genuine students I’ve met. She helps make others feel comfortable and welcomed and her peers and teachers see her as a positive presence. It’s no surprise that she wants to go into a career in healthcare where she can continue to help others in the community. The past few years, she’s sought out opportunities that help her learn and give back to the community. In an effort to contribute to her community, she’s done countless volunteer opportunities—food drives, 9 News Health Fair, fundraising, etc. and she’s the National Honor Society Community Service Liaison. Miss Martinez is also actively involved in HOSA, a national organization for future health professionals. Last year, she placed for state and competed at the national competition.

-Hilary O., School Counselor

Jacqueline R.

Jacquie is highly involved in her local community of Montbello, a neighborhood in Northeast Denver. During the COVID-19 pandemic Jacquie worked with the Colorado ChangeMakers Collective (CCC) to connect her community with services, resources and healthcare. Including vaccination distribution, youth support in the form of summer camps and holiday drives. Jacquie’s most impressive experience to date is her involvement with Jovenes Emprendiendo Lidarazgo, a project within CCC developed by youth for youth to support those involved and their peers with college attainment and scholarship. By giving her peers access to this programming she is providing a key service lacking in many communities such as resources for post secondary support, and generation wealth for families to independently pay for college.

-Emily W., College Advisor

Reagan P.

Reagan has spent the majority of her high school years serving her community through Student Senate, Unified Peer Intern, Girl Scouts, and church. Reagan has over 400 official community service hours with countless other unofficial hours given to her school community and Girl Scouts. At school, Reagan has been a Peer Intern for the Unified class for two years, helping in the classroom and during Unified athletics. During her four years on Student Senate, Reagan has helped plan school events, such as Homecoming week, Prom, and Wish Week (that benefits the Make-a-Wish Foundation). Reagan has been working toward the Girl Scout Gold Award for two years (due to covid rerouting the focus) with projects benefiting a foster care organization, the Highlands Ranch BackCountry camps, and currently, Craig Hospital for patients with traumatic brain injury. She hopes to create outdoor spaces and education for the patients and their families.

-Kim B., Family Friend

Seneca H.

Throughout high school, Seneca has been an active member of his church’s youth ministry group. That group has been involved in several community service projects around the Denver/Metro area with organizations like Urban Peak Teen Shelter, the Denver Samaritan Shelter, the Tennyson Center, and the Clayton Early Learning Center. Seneca also volunteers in the school's resource center. As a tutor in almost every subject, he has been able to have a positive impact on a great number of students in our school.

One of the things I am most proud of Seneca for is his work with the work the Colorado Sickle Cell Association. He has served as a board member for this organization for the past two years. The goal of this organization is to help support patients with sickle cell and raise money for bone marrow transplants. Seneca has been actively involved with planning fundraisers and blood drives to help these people, and his efforts have had a positive impact on their lives.

-Rodd J., Teacher

Plumbline Gives Scholarships: July 2022

July 14, 2022

The 2022 recipients were announced earlier this summer, and their stories are so special, we thought it important to share some here:

Mia S.

Mia wants to spend her life helping others. Her high school years have been consumed trying to balance time between the high academic standards at D’Evelyn Jr. – Sr. High School with volunteering in various capacities given over 600 hours outside of the classroom. Highlighted activities include playing violin and cello for end-of-life patients with Suncrest Hospice (now Bristol Hospice) during the pandemic. Establishing a not-for-profit called InstruMentors which comes alongside middle school music educators to offer band and orchestra one-on-one instruction in all instruments to struggling young musicians and instilling a love for music along the way.  

- Gretchen S, Mother

Alyssa G.

Through her involvement in school, Alyssa has enjoyed bringing her positive attributes to her community. Her mom works at a local elementary school where she can come in, not just for community service hours, but to work with kids and help the teachers throughout the day, which helps her look at what her job will be like in the future. It means a lot to Alyssa to contribute to her community, school, and her peers.

-Pam G, Mother

Amelia S.

Even in junior high, Amelia managed to organize a campaign called Spread the Word to End the Word. It was a campaign to educate her fellow students about the "R" word and have kids sign a pledge to remove that word from their slang vocabulary. It started when she noticed how hurtful it was for students with disabilities to hear the "R" word used so flippantly.

-Judith F., Grandmother

Alexis S.

Alexis has the drive to give back to his community and has already begun. As an elementary student, Alexis was connected with the Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (DAVA) non-profit program. They provided structured after-school and summer opportunities for him to gain skills and explore his creative side. Because of this program, Alexis is a young ‘renaissance man’ with skills as a musician, cook, and carpenter, and he knows circuitry. Over the years, he quickly turned his gratitude into service and worked as a mentor to younger kids in the program at DAVA.

-Brooke S., Teacher

Izellah E.

I would like to nominate Izzy who is an inspiration to many others. Izzy is the oldest in the family and struggled in school at a young age needing tutoring from 1st-3rd grade spending more than 60% of the time outside of the classroom. Even though the first year was a transition Izzy persevered and got through her three years of high school at a public school. I know these last three years were challenging but I believed in Izzy and pushed her to finish strong.

-Kathy A., Mother

ExtraordinAIRy Treasures: August 2021

August 18, 2021

Our 2021 Extraordinary Treasures were exceptionally great! Each of their nominators shared such special stories, that we wanted to share a little of each of those with you.

Jake M

Jake has had many accomplishments while attending High School.  Academically he has consistently made the school’s academic honor roll.  His Freshman, Sophomore and Junior years he has received both academic and citizenship school awards from the staff at Cherokee Trail.   He has consistently taken a full load of classes (standard, honors and college concurrent enrollment) each year and maintained A’s and B’s.  Jake has successfully participated in the schools performing arts program as a drum player.  Jake has participated in the school’s PEP Band. Jake has an incredible work ethic; in that he continually asks how he can do better within his classes and is willing to meet and consult with his teachers to ensure his success at school.

-        Susan L., Case Manager

Taylor T

I am nominating my daughter, Taylor Talley, for this program because of her servant's heart and extraordinary leadership potential. My name is Don Talley and I was born with a very rare neuromuscular disorder. It causes muscle weakness and pain throughout my body, thus, I use a wheelchair for mobility and leg braces for stability. Needless to say, life for our family has been challenging, but, our faith in God and His ability to work through us despite our circumstances has been a blessing.

Taylor's experience growing up was certainly different from her peers; having a parent with a severe disability gave her the opportunity to lean into the challenges of life and to notice the needs of others. As a result, Taylor serves our family in different ways than most teens. Whether its lifting the wheelchair, helping me navigate obstacles or coming to help in times of emergencies, Taylor seeks to serve others.  In the past four years Taylor has also served as a student leader in her youth group, served on three Youth For Christ Project Serve teams in other states, served at two camps here in Colorado and created a project called ""It's a Colorful Life"" where she acquired and packaged adult coloring and activity books and delivered them to our elderly community members during the pandemic. 

-        Don T., Father

Katie M

Katie is a natural leader and helper. She is someone who gets genuine satisfaction from supporting others.

This giving aspect of Katie spills into her faith as well. She has done research on ways she can give back and complete a mission program in Kentucky. Has she ever been to Kentucky? No. But that won’t stop her if that is what she chooses to do.

Katie is going to continue to be an outstanding student in college and will be a huge asset to whichever university she attends. More importantly, she is undoubtedly going to make this world a better place as she continues to give selflessly within her chosen field.

-        Kelly R., School Counselor

Preston K

I met Preston when he was just 6 years old.  At the time, he was battling Stage 3A Hodgkins Lymphoma and was eligible for a wish experience through Make-A-Wish® Colorado.  In 2009, Make-A-Wish granted his wish to visit Walt Disney® World.  What we didn’t know at the time, was what a wonderful ambassador Preston and his family would become for our organization.  While all kids who receive a wish from Make-A-Wish Colorado become part of the Make-A-Wish family, Preston is one that made a  very special mark on all of the staff, volunteers and anyone he encountered through Make-A-Wish.  As Preston grew, he became a wonderful spokesperson for our events, including our annual gala, Kids For Wish Kids® assemblies and Walk for Wishes® fundraising events.  At our events, he boldly and passionately shares his story of overcoming cancer and encourages donors to support wishes because of the impact that his wish had on his life. 

-        Lauren B., VP of Development – Make A Wish Colorado

Camden P

In school Camden has struggled for years with work and bullying but has always worked incredibly hard to get by and overcome! Aside from all of his deficits we noticed from an early age his gift of music...and photography! After going through severe depression and bullying we ended up moving him to Rock Canyon High School where he has received the help and guidance he has been needing and what was lacking from previous schools! The amount of support and love inspired Camden to write a song about his school years. "Words do not hurt me anymore" has been featured on and then noticed by the wonderful foundation, Robbie's Hope where they have put him on every music platform! Camden's goal is to now spread his lyrics to others that are hurting to hopefully inspire them to know they are loved and the bullies can't bring them down.

-        Gretchen P., Mother

ExtraordinAIRy Treasures: July 2020

July 13, 2020

The end of the 2020 school year was a crazy one, but these amazing graduates didn’t let it affect them! Read a little bit about each of our 2020 High School Scholarship recipients.

Aspen S.

The next year, Aspen organized a movie drive for Christmas to bring joy to kids stuck in the hospital during the holidays like she had been. The year after that, she collected stuffed animals for Christmas to bring to kids at a local homeless shelter. Aside from health challenges, Aspen has suffered bullying, lost people very close to her, and faced failure, but she never let anything tear her down. She has always put others before herself and looked for opportunities to serve her community. When she was five, Aspen worked for weeks on setting up a bake sale to raise money for Children’s Hospital. Since sixth grade, Aspen has organized a yearly block party on Halloween to provide a safe environment for the neighborhood kids to enjoy the holiday. In high school, she acted as the head officer for her school’s Multi-Cultural Alliance, a club that supports an underprivileged elementary school in the district by holding food drives, raising money, mentoring the younger kids, and planning special events for the students.

-        Ashley S., Sister

Brennan S.

As an actor, Brennan wants to play the leading role, but in life, Brennan strives to be the supporting role helping others find their spotlight. For example, Brennan has spent over 500 hours volunteering in projects for homeless, hunger, and the disadvantaged. He lead a Scouting project to pair shelter animals with returning veterans to help prevent PTSD. When he was 12, he co-lead a carnival to benefit Porter Adventist Hospital summer program for kids whose parents have cancer, creating games, creating advertisements, and collecting donations from local businesses, while raising awareness for cancer. While a in high school, Brennan volunteered to work with the Challenge Program, a school program for special-needs kids, student-directing a theatrical play and assisting the Unified Basketball team.

-        Kathleen S., Mother

Grant F.

Grant is an Eagle Scout and served as the Senior Patrol Leader for his troop of 80+ scouts in Highlands Ranch, CO.  In 2017 he earned his National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) certificate at Big Horn.  In 2018 he learned his National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE) certificate at Philmont.  In 2019 he returned to Big Horn at a part of the NYLT youth leadership team.  Grant has completed more than 2500 hours of community service during his high school career, more than 1000 hours more than anyone in his graduating class of 550.  Grant earned most of these hours by raising a Guide Dog for the Blind puppy named Purdy who went on to become a working guide to a fully blind single man in Springfield, Illinois.  For this he was awarded a bronze, silver and gold President's Volunteer Service Award.  He earned a second set of President's Volunteer Service Awards by serving as a Teen Lead for Douglas County's outdoor education program.  There he served for 260+ hours by volunteering for five sessions over a four semester period. 

-        Dawn F., Mother

Luke A.

Life journeys have instilled a sense of perspective and tenacity in Luke which will serve him well throughout life.  He has a heart for service which has been modeled for him through his parents.  Yard work, snow removal, and odd-jobs for neighbors and elderly community members are a normal part of Luke’s activities.  Volunteering at the Denver Rescue Mission and Holiday Food Drives are notable contributions that many have not experienced at his age.  Actively participating in church services and youth functions has created a sense of grounding and perspective in shaping how Luke looks at life and in the choices he makes.  When he encounters academic challenges, pressure from peers, or disappointments in life, Luke knows how to approach issues with positive perspective and integrity.     

-        Mary Lou C., Aunt

Tobias H.

As I look back on all the times my husband and urged him to step out of his comfort zone, we never imagined how brave he was to push through even though it was mentally crippling.  He taught guitar to kids in our neighborhood for 3 years and has been teaching children swim lessons at the local YMCA for the same duration. Last summer, he reached out to a school in Japan offering to teach Junior High students English and guitar. To our surprise the school stated that no one has ever made such a request, and consequently invited him to come for 6 weeks and to stay with a host family.  He did all these things despite his fears and discomfort. 

-        Vanessa T., Mother

ExtraordinAIRy Treasures: July 2019

July 12, 2019

Plumbline Services is pleased to announce the 2019 recipients of the ExtraordinAIRy Treasures scholarships! These five high school seniors were nominated by loved ones as ExtraordinAIRy Treasures to our community. In addition to celebrating all of their accomplishments and hard work, we’ve awarded each recipient a $1,000 scholarship.

This year’s five student honorees are Sarah Camper, Ari Levine, Riley Judd, Alexis Blank, and Katelyn Cranney. These young adults have demonstrated strong character and work ethic through community service, overcoming obstacles, leadership activities, and family commitment. We are so proud to honor and celebrate them with this award. 

Check out the video and photos from the awards event below!

Congratulations again to all of this year’s ExtraordinAIRy Treasures! Check out last year’s winners .

Plumbline was founded in Douglas County in 1998, and we’re proud to call Colorado our home. We believe in giving back to our community and upholding the core values of our company. Learn more about our community involvement.

ExtraordinAIRy Treasures: High School Scholarships: July 2018

July 31, 2018

At the beginning of the year, Plumbline Service began accepting nominations for our 3rd annual ExtraordinAIRy Treasure Scholarship Program. This year we received over 130 exceptional nominations. We then asked our wonderful committee to read through the nominations and narrow it down to only 5. It was a tough process, but we are pleased to say that our final 5 recipients are truly deserving of this honor.

We are extremely excited to introduce you all to our 5 ExtraordinAIRy Treasure Recipients!

Taylor R – Littleton High School

Taylor was nominated by her mother, Heidi. She was the captain of several soccer teams and was considered a leader among her teammates. Taylor is described as tenacious, dependable, coachable and loyal. 2 years ago, she joined the Arapahoe County Sheriffs Explorer Program where she completed a 20-hour training course, 70 hours of community service and served at 3 funerals for fallen deputies. On top of that, she worked at the Polar Plunge, volunteered with the Special Olympics and participated in a National Night Out. Taylor still maintained a 4.1 GPA, was a part of the National Honor Society and varsity soccer. Her dream is to pursue law enforcement and help those in her community that has given her so much.

Allison W – Denver School of the Arts

Allison was nominated by her Supervisor in the Counselling Center, Linda. When Allison was 6, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. To get through the tough times, Allison named the cancer and her treatments, “Stink Bug”. After all of her treatments were over and she was officially in remission, Allison adopted a dog from the Colorado Corrections Industry Canines Training System. The comfort her new friend gave her, gave her an idea! In 2010, Allison made and sold dog biscuits and lemonade, earning enough to pay for a dog and donated it to a child going through cancer treatments. To this day, Allison’s project “Stink Bug” has raised over $100K to purchase trained dogs for patients going through cancer treatments. Her supervisor described her as always willing to help, very modest and a true leader.

Gabriela B – Ponderosa High School

Gabriela was nominated by her Counselor, Laura. Gabriela reminds her of a hummingbird; petite and dynamo, always moving quickly between numerous commitments and always having a smile on her face. She was Ponderosa High School’s class of 2018 Valedictorian. She has made it her goal to help students find the right activity or organization to get involved in and has led many of the organizations she joined. She helped start the Sources of Strength Program, which helps connect struggling students with trusted adults, positive activities and coping strategies.

Madeline G – Arapahoe High School

Madeline was nominated by her friend, Jacqi. From a young age, Madeline was faced with adversity, but was still kind, caring, confident and brilliant. She strives for perfection and can always find the positive in any situation. A few years ago, Madeline became a teen volunteer at the Denver Zoo and has blossomed as a person, volunteer and leader. She mentors new teen volunteers without being asked, has quickly moved up the volunteer ladder and now works alongside the Gorilla and Orangutan Zookeeper. Madeline has completed over 700 volunteer hours and aspires to be a Zoo Veterinarian. 

Gabrielle M – Parker Lutheran High School

Gabrielle was nominated by her mother, Deidre. She is described as fun loving and caring. At the age of 12, Gabrielle became a playing partner with the Special Olympics Parker Power Softball Team. She would help the players hit and run around the bases. She then continued to coach the team for 6 years. Gabrielle has a gift and passion for people with mental and physical disabilities. She also volunteers her free time at the Wellspring Community, a center for adults with special needs. She plans to study Special Education in the fall.

With all the negative news taking over our screens, it is refreshing to know there are ExtraordinAIRy individuals like these 5 young adults in our community. Their futures are bright and we cannot wait to see how they unfold!

$5,000 ExtraordinAIRy Scholarships for 5 High School Graduates: June 2017

June 30, 2017

Plumbline Service's Second Annual ExtraordinAIRy Treasures Scholarship

The ExtraordinAIRy Treasures program recognizes individuals who may otherwise go unnoticed. Many times, scholarships are given to students who are the top of their class in academics or are incredible at their sport. We love these scholarships but we know there are so many other students out there who are deserving of recognition in other ways. That is why the ExtraordinAIRy Treasures program honors individuals who aspire to greatness in everything they do, whether that is serving others, bettering themselves or overcoming challenges. This is our second year of offering this scholarship and it was a complete success. We received over 120 nominations from the Denver community, which made the decision-making process pretty difficult! Thankfully, we had a great team of employees to help us along the way.

After our team read through all the nominations and narrowed them down to the top ten. The top ten was then narrowed down, by our managers, to the five ExtraordinAIRy Treasures who received the scholarships.

There are so many reasons why we choose who we choose, but here is a short description of each of the winners.

  • Clarissa has a special love and affection for children. This has provided motivation for many of the ways she has served and given to others.

  • His (Brenden) high level of commitment and extraordinary character is unusual in today’s youth culture.

  • Amanda finds creative, positive ways to work through and around the challenges presented; and she does it with a smile and encouraging word for her neighbor.

  • Willie has been an exemplary leader who has organized and severed alongside others at numerous community service projects and outreaches.

  • While kindness and compassion are the characteristics some would mention first in regards to Abbie, others, especially her coaches and teammates, are likely to mention her grit and perseverance - especially in the face of a challenge.

At the end of last month, we invited each of the recipients and their families to our office to celebrate their accomplishments. We were honored to share a meal with them and get to know them even better. This is such an inspiring group of people and we can’t wait to see what they do next!


$10,000 ExtraordinAIRy Scholarships for 5 High School Graduates: July 2016

July 7, 2016

Plumbline Services Awards $2,000 ExtraordinAIRy Treasures Scholarships to 5 High School Senior Graduates

ExtraordinAIRy Treasures Scholarships are based on who a graduate is at heart. They honor graduates who are ExtraordinAIRy Treasures to our future. They are individuals who inspire others to greatness whether it be through leading by example, overcoming challenges, serving others, being determined to better themselves or living a life of love and compassion.

We selected the following five outstanding students who are ExtraordinAIRy Treasures to the Denver community and presented each with a plaque and $2,000 on July, 19th at our office in Centennial, CO.

  • Cody LeBlanc: 2016 graduate of Fort Lupton High School 
  • Nicole Steiner: 2016 graduate of Legend High School 
  • William Smith: 2016 graduate of Standley Lake High School 
  • Jorge Porras: 2016 graduate of Heritage High School 
  • Olivia Koontz: 2016 graduate of Standley Lake High School 

Here’s the interesting part, our five chosen recipients did not apply for the scholarship; they were each nominated for consideration by parents, teachers, guidance counselors, coaches, pastors and friends. These nominators wrote essays about why the students were ExtraordinAIRy Treasures to our future.

We were blown away by the stories of each of these individuals. From overcoming challenges to volunteering hundreds of hours and dedicating their time, effort and money to local charity efforts, they are true inspirations who are making a difference in the world. Meeting these individuals and their families in person solidified how impressive these students truly are, and we know as they head off to college and the next chapter of their lives, they will continue to impact the lives of those around them. 

It is our true joy and honor to give back to the community we serve. We look forward to when we will begin the enrollment for 2017 ExtraordinAIRy Treasures nominations